Very Gouda Bacon & Maple Stuffed Croissants

When The Boy touched down from a week away in Marbella this morning, the last thing I wanted to do was spend the day in the kitchen.

I wanted breakfast to be special, quick and more importantly, bacon flavoured. 

After a rummage around the fridge I had just the ticket. I pinky promise you'll only make these once before they become your luxury breakfast go-to.

Each batch makes six good croissants. My recipe stuffs them with bacon, cheese and maple syrup, but you can substitute this for whatever you like. Cheese and ham? Marmite? A dollop of jam and fresh raspberries? Whatever you darn well crois-want.

You're going to need:

1 tube of ready Jus-Rol ready made croissant dough 
1 pack of streaky bacon, the best quality you can afford
A few glugs of maple syrup 
3 slices of good melting cheese (gouda is my weapon of cheese-oice)

Start off by crisping off your bacon under a hot grill for 8-10 minutes. 

Whilst that's on, grab your can of dough and pop that baby open.

Note to self: this is probably one of the most satisfying experiences a girl can enjoy without taking her clothes off. You are very, very welcome.

Carefully roll out your dough into one long strip and snip along the dotted lines.

You should be left with six deliciously perfect triangles.

 When your bacon's done, remove it from the oven and keep somewhere warm.

Now for the fun part.

One by one, roll up your dough parcels to form crescent shapes. Don't panic - it's much more simple than it looks. Let me walk you through it.

Step 1 -  Grab your dough triangle and pop a bacon rasher on top.

Step 2 - Lay over half a slice of cheese and trim to fit.

Step 3 (and by far my favourite) - Drizzle over a glug of maple syrup.

Step 4 - Roll up your croissant from the base of the triangle to the tip, squashing your fillings down as you go. It doesn't have to look like a masterpiece so don't worry. Everything will puff up in the oven, just make sure it's wrapped up as snug as a bug.

You should be left with a crescent shaped hunk of dough a little bit like this:

Repeat with the rest of your croissants and pop them in the oven for 10 minutes until golden brown and flaky.

What you choose to do with them at this point is totally up to you. 

Personally, I like to sit down in front of the television and play how-many-croissants-can-Charlotte-fit-in-her-mouth, but that's just little lady-like old me.

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